Sunday, October 4, 2015

Biku & Lello Lello

I think most of you know what a sucker I am for afternoon tea.

Granted, few things could top the service at the Goring or the ambiance at the Mulia.

Even so, it's more than a little bit of a habit for me. We decided to check out one more place for a later afternoon high tea in lieu of eating a heavy dinner since we still had some packing to do. After seeing the different offerings, I decided on Biku, a smaller restaurant close to our hotel that offered some fun Asian offerings for an amazing price.

As you can tell, this isn't typical afternoon tea fare. I noticed a lot of the locals in the restaurant had opted for the traditional British style selection but since we were in Bali, I felt Asian would be a bit more fun and authentic. We had masala chai and ginger tea along with a super cool assortment of Asian goodies. Pretty nice!

The one thing we had yet to do in Bali was get ice cream. My mom and I love ice cream. I had spotted this place online at one point and when we happened by it, I knew we had to stop. 

 Raspberry gelato with chocolate cake pieces and a white cocolate drizzle. YUM.

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