Saturday, October 3, 2015

Potato Head Beach Club

My last day in Bali I had designated for relaxing. 

After all the exploring we had done, we wanted to make sure we had one day to just eat some great food, enjoy the views, and get a little bit of shopping done. We made a stop by Oberoi Market which was close to the hotel. There are lots of great clothing items there but beware- the shopkeepers can be pretty nasty. I watched one tourist get screamed at and laughed at all the way down the aisle and listened to another loudly reprimand my mother for not buying anything with what I can only imagine are some pretty choice Indonesian obscenities.

We didn't really find anything so we headed over to Potato Head Beach Club. We had a great little lunch (and another beautiful coconut) and enjoyed the views. We weren't exactly beach ready but the ambiance was still fun and the food was good. I definitely recommend stopping by for an afternoon or even just a quick bite!

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