Saturday, January 28, 2017

Happy Chinese New Year!

Good morning and Gung Hay Fat Choi!

My family isn't super traditional but we do keep a few Chinese customs here and there. For instance, we always celebrate Chinese New Year. This year is the Year of the Rooster which is my mom's year (she is turning 60 this year). 

Corey and I went over to Aria last night to check out their decorations. I had seem some pictures on Instagram that looked really pretty so I wanted to check them out for myself! They had a few different large set-ups and a whole bunch of lanterns and coins all over the casino.

There was a really big rooster over by the Asian restaurants.

Red lanterns everywhere.

And this gorgeous dragon display by the lobby. 

The Sanxing.

And these super cute and colorful imperial lions.

Tonight we are eating some traditional Chinese vegetarian dishes (I loaded up on meat yesterday) and candy from the Lazy Susan (which is actually the cute Chinese lucky candy this year instead of whatever random Valentine's Day candy is at WalMart cuz we planned ahead).

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

 photo 2017 Sig 01 copy_zpsgxg791ph.png

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