Saturday, January 21, 2017

New Things

Hello hello!

So there have been some big changes here. I'll share those at some point but with things in the air right now, I'm keeping some stuff pretty quiet for now. 

I've made some changes to the blog look. I've really been into new colors and these graphics from Kristin Cronin-Barrow really make me happy! If any of you scrapbook, check out her work at Sweet Shoppe Designs; all of her kits are amazing!

In other news, the weather here in Vegas has been crazy lately. Raining for a couple days at a time and then some sun and gorgeous clouds the next. I can't keep up!

Vegas is finally getting a Chick-Fil-A this coming week and as sad as it sounds I am SO EXCITED! I'm always happy to have little bits of the south around cuz it makes Vegas feel a little more like home. Sadly enough, I still haven't made it to our Cracker Barrels because apparently the waits are outrageous. I have to say, that's pretty weird to me because I've never had to wait at Cracker Barrel.

Have a great week, everyone!
 photo 2017 Sig 01 copy_zpsgxg791ph.png


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