Thursday, February 9, 2017

Yelp Elite Gold- Milk Bar Las Vegas

Good morning guys! 

At the end of December, I had a really cool opportunity through Yelp to attend a really amazing even. Milk Bar Las Vegas just opened up at the Cosmopolitan and Yelp Elites were invited to an intimate event to try out the new goodies, hear about what's been planned out. And best of all- meet and listen to Chef Christina Tosi tell us everything herself!

I had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Milk Bar for months and months and months. I originally had my fingers crossed that them and Momofuku would open before my birthday but they got delayed. Before the Las Vegas locations were even announced, I had these on my "Must Try" list for my next New York trip. 

It was a really small party but one of the coolest ones yet. Yelp Elite always has some really amazing events and this has to be one of my favorite ones yet. We got the most awesome swag bags (a signed Milk Bar cookbook, crack pie mix, and a gorgeous Milk Bar scarf inside the exclusive Milk Bar tote bag) and upon walking in, we were greeted by a bar filled with the most amazing sweets I've ever seen. Cake truffles, assorted cookies (I tried all but one and they were delicious omg omg omg), crack pies, and the most gorgeous birthday cake ever. I don't think I have to tell you just how yummy everything was! 

After we were properly sugared up, Christina Tosi came out and did a big Q & A session. She told us all about the amazing desserts they're going to be serving including some Las Vegas exclusive items that I cannot wait to try! She was absolutely the sweetest, super friendly and funny and a joy to listen to as she talked about the most awesome sweets. They cut up the giant birthday cake and we all got a slice- it was pure heaven. So good! 

Cannot wait to try my hand at some of the goodies in this book!


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