Friday, September 25, 2015

Sacred Monkey Forest

This was one of the places I knew I had to visit on this trip.

It was also probably the only place I was actually a bit nervous about visiting. I'd heard so many strange stories of people getting bitten or scratched and seen so many photos of people getting attacked so I was a bit apprehensive about the monkeys. In fact, my mom didn't even want to go in. So I went alone with just a tiny black camera hidden under my blouse.

Upon walking in, I literally saw no monkeys. In fact, it was a bit strange. I followed one of the paths towards the temples and reached a little market area and there they were. Wandering the tops of buildings, grabbing bananas from tourists, swinging from trees.

Surprisingly, the monkeys were not just everywhere. There would be clusters of them in the more wooded areas and then a few stragglers wandering around. 

Some would be carrying bananas to the trees and others would just kind of hang out. 

In fact, a lot of the photos I got of the monkeys were mostly just random monkeys chilling. 

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