Saturday, October 10, 2015

Singapore Flyer

I am terrified of heights.
But I just love observation wheels.

The Singapore Flyer was on my top three list for Singapore. We were originally going to go the first morning we arrived on our way to Bali but my father (who frequents Singapore and is something of an expert) told me that typically mornings are misty or sometimes rainy. He suggested later in the afternoon on the return trip so I followed his advice.

There were a couple super cool specialty cars like this fancy bar car.

And it was so empty we almost had the whole car to ourselves. 

I am so glad I did. Not only was it beautiful, we got the perfect sunset view as well!

The only thing that would have made this better would be if we weren't stuck with a screaming child the entire ride.

Amazing view of the Marina Bay Sands and Gardens By the Bay.

Great ride and definitely better than the Vegtas High Roller (the current tallest wheel).

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