Wednesday, January 27, 2016

LA Roadtrips- Roscoe's & La Brea Tar Pits

I spent a lot of time in LA as a kid (both sets of grandparents lived there) but I never really got to do a lot of touristy things. Mostly I would get shuttled back and forth between the two homes and that was about it. Corey has only been to LA a couple of times so it's fun to explore with him since there are some places I've been that I can show him and some places that are brand new for both of us.

I took Corey to Roscoe's. It seemed absolutely necessary. I managed to pick one in a much less scary part of town and it turned out this one was quite large. No cramming into tiny spaces for us this time. I got the classic Scoe's combo and Corey got an omelette. Strange choice in a chicken and waffles joint but he seemed to enjoy it. Besides, how can you go wrong with chicken, eggs, and cheese??

For instance- I'd never been to the La Brea Tar Pits. I'd seen them in movies (My Girl 2, Volcano, etc) but never actually been there. Unfortunately, it was raining for a good portion of our trip so everything felt a bit more muddy but we still had a fun time. 

The baby elephant makes me sad.

We observed the fake paw prints and a strange tree that looked like a donkey.

We also saw some of the surrounding art pieces at LACMA.

Also thought this building was super cool looking.

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