Friday, August 12, 2016

Foodie Fridays

I'm usually of the skip breakfast variety but when Corey and I both have a morning off, we like to try and make something nice. Bonus points if it requires us to eat at the table instead of on the couch in front of the television! Old habits die hard.

I'm a hardcore Chrissy Teigen fan (call it a girl crush if you will) and her cookbook, Cravings, is absolutely AMAZING. I love that it is super conversational (it feels like she's sitting across the table telling you how to make the dishes) and don't require any strange or hard to find ingredients (you can get pretty much everything at a regular grocery store, no trips to Whole Foods). The recipes are also really user friendly and don't involve weird fancy Cordon Bleu techniques. 

This was one of the first recipes I tried from Cravings and it is really really delicious. It's really cheesy and eggy and wonderful. We paired it with some nice crispy bacon and some toasted baguette (for dipping into the cheesy, eggy goodness). I found the recipe on but I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend getting her Cookbook for some serious laughs and good eats!

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