Thursday, September 1, 2016

Throwback Thursdays

Welcome to Throwback Thursdays!

This week I'm revisiting my little road trip to Calico Ghost Town.

My friend Lisa and I had been meaning to make the drive out here for a while. When we finally found a day off together, we decided to make the trip out and spend the night at the campground in one of the cabins. I think this was as close to "roughing it" as either of us was comfortable doing on a trip that was just us girls.

We got to the campground a couple hours before dark and the place was pretty quiet. We found a security guard who told us which cabin to go to after driving around for about twenty minutes totally confused. The cabin was pretty close to the bathhouse and there was another group in the cabin right next door. Since we were the only occupied cabins, we hung out, drank, and listened to music until it was way too dark to really see anything. Lisa and I also made S'mores because of course we did. 

Looking back, I'm so glad that cabin was occupied because we got pretty creeped out a couple times since the campground was right next to the Calico graveyard which is apparently (we found out later) notoriously haunted!

We spent the next day inside the town and it's a pretty cute place! I love kitschy wild west towns and this one epitomizes everything about those little towns. We had breakfast at the restaurant, wandered the mine, and explored all the little spots around town. It was pretty quiet and admission was included in the cost of the cabin. 

I would suggest making a special trip up here but it's definitely a fun stop on the way from Cali to Vegas or back. It's a fun roadside stop!

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