Thursday, October 27, 2016

Throwback Thursday

Hey guys!

Since Halloween has been a pretty quiet time for me the past couple years (I don't have the energy to do anything and last year I was soooooo sick) it's fun to look at photos from previous years. 

Throwback Thursday posts are always interesting for me to plan because sometimes there are friends that I've been meaning to text/call and I'd forgotten; so it's a good reminder for me to do it. Sometimes there are old friends that I don't really talk to anymore but the memories are definitely still some of my faves and are still nice to look back on. 

This particular Halloween was when I was young enough to have endless amounts of energy. I'd been out almost every single night for the Halloween parties and I had been working crazy hours at (of all places) a Halloween store. You can imagine just how busy things were that week for me all around!

We all carefully arranged a group costume and had planned to go to the Halloween party at Tao but with work schedules and getting ready, we got there way too late. We still had a blast (we looked all kinds of awesome) and it's still one of my favorite Halloween memories. 

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