Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday Travel Guide: Oahu- What to Do

Good Morning!

I'm going to be honest, if it weren't for photos, I don't know if I would remember half of what I did when I was in Oahu. The Go Oahu card we got included so many activities, we used it for almost the entire week. While the trip is kind of a blur at this point, I know for sure we had a blast (or at least, it sure looks like we did in the photos). 

Below is a list of the tourist activities we did on our trip. It's way more than you can do in a weekend but hey, I wanted to give you options! This is in addition to shopping, the bus tours, and the random walks around Chinatown, the shopping areas, and the downtown area. And of course, trips to the beach. One of the things I figured out really early in to my planning was that a lot of the attractions are pretty spread out. Definitely check each attraction's website for transportation options- there are usually shuttle buses for a small additional fee. It also helps if you're staying at one of the hotels where they pick-up!

Where to Play

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