Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday Must Haves- Birthday Edition

Yikes, it's Monday already???

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I would have blogged sooner but it was a crazy weekend and immediately after I got the worst sinus infection/COPD attack. It happens pretty much whenever the weather changes and when my sinuses get inflamed I get some pretty fun (sarcasm here) vertigo. Hurray.

My birthday is in exactly a week. It's not a milestone so I don't have any crazy plans or even that many plans at all really. Corey is taking me to see Justin Moore a couple days before my birthday and I'm pretty sure I know where he wants to take me for dinner but I'll pretend I have no idea so I don't ruin the surprise. My mom and I have decided to do our annual birthday plans whenever we get around to them. 

Just for the hell of it- today's Monday Must Haves are basically my birthday wishlist. Let me just start by saying I hate wishlists. I hate the idea of putting together a list of things for people to buy because it feels awkward to be like "buy me this". I'm keeping it small this year and frankly, this is more for me to remember what I want so I can buy them in January after I'm done with all the Christmas shopping (I'm almost done and want to give my wallet a break). My memory is just horrible so it's not uncommon for me to completely forget something I want even if I really really want it.

I know I'm a pretty impossible person to shop for because frankly, if I can afford to buy it myself I'm going to buy it myself. I tried to make it easier on Corey this year by actually Pinning things I like that I wasn't planning to buy myself but the poor guy has still had to ask me about certain things just to make sure I don't have them. 

I seriously don't know why I don't own a monogrammed necklace. I'm a Southerner and I love monograms. I've been looking at monograms all over because I don't want to spend a ton on a necklace I might not be able to wear forever (you know, names change and such) but this one is pretty and affordable. 

My hair is just such a pain to style; it's heavy and doesn't hold a lot of curl for very long and it's difficult volume wise. Some handy tools would go a long way towards making me not want to shave my head.

The Braves ones of course. These are just so adorable and I can't wait to wear them to Suntrust Park assuming I can make it to Atlanta next fall.

These are so pretty and all make-up staples. I've heard good things about her lipsticks and this would be such a great way to try them out. 

I need another black bag. Simple as that. 

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