Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday Must Haves

Good morning, everyone!

I love to accessorize... Most of the time. 

I'll be honest, I don't like to spend a lot on jewelry because I tend to lose pieces a lot. Luckily the most special pieces always turn up but I typically keep them safely in a box or in the bathroom in their pouches to avoid losing them. That said, I also don't really like to travel with my more special pieces. I don't own any jewelry that's expensive but a lot of them are sentimental and meaningful so I try to keep those pieces at home.

When I plan a trip and a color scheme, I like to have coordinating pieces that go with my outfits and match the colors. I usually end up finding great pieces on eBay for a fraction of their designer counterparts. No joke- I've come across some great earrings for a few dollars here and there. I also scoure Charming Charlie's clearance section for pieces that are cute but won't hurt if I lose them on a beach or in a taxi cab.

In regards to jewelry pouches, I've been coveting this case from Wolf that is carried at Nordstrom. Of course, I am not crazy about spending more on a case than all of the jewelry in the case combined. I found a few great cases on eBay that have the same general layout for a fraction of the cost!

This post contains affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. As always, all opinions are my own.

I have this one (although I remember finding it cheaper so do a few searches and see what comes up).

This one is also super cute and under $10!

 photo 2017 Sig 01 copy_zpsgxg791ph.png

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