Sunday, April 30, 2017

Blog Changes

Hey guys!

Can you believe tomorrow is the first day of May??? So crazy.

May is a big month for the blog- this year will be the four year anniversary of when I started this thing. That said, I figured May is the perfect time to unroll some changes to a few of the series' I've had here on the blog. 

I've been messing around with the travel guides and rather than doing them once a month, I'm going to start moving them around. This is for one main reason- if I stick to the one destination per month format, I'm never going to get through them all! I am going to have a few different formats as well- weekend guides and 24 hour guides. 

Anyhow, look out for the new changes starting tomorrow! Also, if there is anything you want to see or any suggestions, feel free to shoot me an e-mail! I'd love to get some feedback!

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