Saturday, April 8, 2017

Weekend Travel Tips

Flying is definitely not the most comfortable thing to do. These days, with airlines making plane seats smaller and less comfortable in an effort to cram more people in, it's getting worse. I'm not fond of flying but I do believe in trying to make the best of it. Today I'm sharing my long haul flight tips to make those long annoying flights a bit more comfortable.

Lavender scented sanitizing wipes are everything, especially if you're going to be sitting in that seat for a long time. They do double duty- they get your space clean and the scent is relaxing. I always try to wipe down the tray table, seatbelt, headrest, and the pocket. If I have time I will wipe the whole seat. Having a clean seat area makes me more comfortable when I have limited space.

If it's a long flight I like to bring a hair oil and run some through my hair before take off. The air on planes is so dry and gross. My ends tend to dry easily so the oils help counter some of that. I don't like to do a super deep conditioning mask because usually when I land, it's early morning and I want to be ready to explore without having to shower and fix my hair first.

On longer flights I try to take advantage of the time spent doing virtually nothing and do some spa like treatments. I bring a sleep mask with me that's hydrating so I can try and have better skin when I land. I'll usually bring a lip mask as well. Yes, I have been the crazy lady in a plane with a sheet mask but I don't do it too often. I typically stick with this Korres mask and these Bite treatments.

I've raved about it before but I will do it again- Air Repair lotion is amazing. I take this with me on any flight longer than three hours and it keeps my skin from getting gross. If I slept a few hours on the plane and I'm awake for good, I'll use this to continue hydrating my skin.

The hour before landing, I like to use eye patches like these to wake up my tired eyes. No matter how much sleep I get on a plane, it's always poor quality sleep so I always feel gross. These help me feel more alert, along with these Rohto eye drops I love. I also like a good BB cream with vitamin C in it for energizing my skin so I feel refreshed for my morning. It really comes in handy for those 6AM landings in Hong Kong!

I'm not the kind of person who can roam around a plane for exercise or do yoga in the galley. I really won't get up unless I have to pee so I use compression socks to keep my circulation going. These really helped when I was on my 30 hours of travel from Vegas to Bali because my legs were sore before I got on the plane and felt much better by the time I got to Singapore.

Stay tuned; next month I will be sharing my short haul flight tips!

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