Monday, July 24, 2017

A Week in Hong Kong- What to Pack

Hey guys! 

Okay, this Hong Kong guide was really tough for me to put together. I've been there probably about half a dozen times since I was a baby but I'm not going to lie, it's really difficult to put a legit guide together with everywhere I've eaten and stayed. I'm fairly certain the difficulty is mostly due to the fact that a lot of places aren't the most English speaker friendly and a lot of places we've frequented are very Chinese. Since I always come here with my mom, I've always had a personal translator! That said, avoid going to only places that are designed for Americans and make sure you branch out to a few more traditional places. You won't be sorry!

Like most of Asia, it's not safe to drink the water here. Always get bottled! We've had our Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccines already just as an extra precaution because you can never know where the ice came from or how clean it is! We usually avoid it unless it's already in the drink. 

We rarely take cabs in Hong Kong unless we are going somewhere that the MTR does not reach. Looking at their map, it looks like they've expanded since my last visit which is great! MTR really is the cheapest way to get around and once you get past the language barrier, it's really just like any other subway system! Buy your Octopus card at the airport and it will make your life way easier! They've extended the MTR lines since my last visit so getting around is now so much cheaper and easier than it was before!

When you need to exchange money, go to the banks. They're safer and you know they're giving you legitimate currency. We usually make a stop at Hang Seng bank early in our trip and only exchange the bare minimum at the airport to get us to the bank. We usually exchange some currency prior to leaving as well since Wells Fargo and Bank of America can give you foreign currency. I recommend Wells Fargo if you bank with them because they don't charge a service fee for any amount whereas Bank of America requires a certain minimum to avoid the fee.

Packing for Hong Kong can be a little rough. I remember being there at Christmas time when I was a child and being cold. I remember being there in early December as an adult and wearing a T-shirt and capri pants. It gets really really humid when it's not cold. Be prepared! Pack lightweight layers.

I always bring a pair of black cropped yoga pants with me on trips because they always come in handy. Sometimes on the plane, sometimes on a tour, sometimes in the hotel room. They're like leggings- you always need a pair!

A black cardigan is something I always bring and that's more of a personal preference. Because of my tattoos, I try to keep covered if I'm going to a more conservative area. It's funny because some of the young people would stare and give me weird looks when they weren't covered while some of the really old ladies in the bakeries would tell me how pretty they are. I'm never sure what kind of reaction I'll get so I tend to cover up a bit more. Also- in the summer, the air conditioning can be crazy cold inside so sweaters come in handy.

I always travel with a shopping bag for whatever goodies I pick up. I like to bring snacks back to the room and I usually try to find something local. Hong Kong is no exception! This is especially a good thing to have if you are planning on going to any of the markets or doing any shopping at all because Hong Kong has a lot of shopping. You'll want the bag when you're hopping on and off the MTR. 

Lightweight tops like this one are absolutely necessary for Hong Kong in the summer. There were a few days that I would change twice because the air was so heavy and damp. 

I know I always suggest a crossbody bag but it really is essential, especially when you travel in Asia! Be really careful in the markets or any tourist area that has a lot of people clustered together because pickpockets gravitate to them since there are usually large crowds in which to disappear. 

Comfortable walking shoes are really important in Hong Kong. While Hong Kong is somewhat fashion forward (especially the newer generation in the city), I usually just focus on comfort since you'll likely do a LOT of walking here. I wouldn't advise sandals downtown because the crowded areas get really crowded and you might risk some severely crushed toes!

Last, be careful when bringing valuable jewelry or designer bags with you to Asia. We usually carry the original receipt with us if we bring any handbags that have designer labels because when going through customs, they may inspect you if they suspect you bought any counterfeit items or exeeded your duty free spending limit. Proof that you purchased the items before your trip and where can make things go a lot smoother and quicker!

This post contains affiliate links; however, all opinions are my own!

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