Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Bad Skin Days

I've been having a lot of bad skin days lately.

I'm pretty sure it's mostly from stress and it's been pretty unpleasant. I've noticed when I get really anxious, I would break out and it would take days to go away. I definitely didn't want this to keep happening and I finally found a few products that really keep my skin together when I'm under pressure. Not just that, but when I do break out, they cut the healing time in half! I keep these three products by my bathroom sink all the time just to make sure I'm always covered. 

1. Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask- When Wishtrend asked me to try this mask, I was really excited. My skin had been acting up a lot recently so I was ready to try just about anything. I actually use this at night and put a very thin layer on freshly washed skin before bed. The first time I used this, it healed all my breakouts in under two days!

2. Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner- Ever since I first received this toner, I've loved it. I hate most toners because they usually smell like alcohol or some weird chemical. This one pretty much smells like nothing and doesn't burn at all. It cleans off any residue and excess oil too without leaving a weird texture on my skin afterwards!

3. Belli Anti-Blemish Facial Wash- I love this cleanser. It works great with my facial brush and leaves my skin feeling really clean and free of oil after a good wash. I don't use it daily but I use it whenever my skin feels oily or I'm under a lot of stress and know my skin will act up. 

I received these products free for testing purposes; however, as always, all opinions are my own!

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