Sunday, October 15, 2017

Vegas Lifestyle Influencers- Girls Fright Out at Freakling Brothers' Trilogy of Terror

Little known fact- I used to work at a Halloween store.

I love Halloween. But working in a store that is literally Halloween every single day of the year is tough. It was a lot of days finding fake fingers in my register, re-folding costumes into their little plastic display bags, and smelling the weird rubber smell of masks. We even got locked out of the main office and stuck in the stairwell right by the warehouse full of creepy decorations!

After those experiences, you stop being scared. I think it probably didn't help that I went to 17 different haunted attractions that year and grew fairly accustomed to the smell of chainsaws. Even so,  I make exceptions for Freakling Brothers. Their Castle Vampyre was a favorite that year and is still just as fun this year- a decade later!

We got to bring the girls out at the beginning of the month to experience all three houses in the Trilogy of Terror! I won't give anything away- the jump scares and the unexpected strange twists are the best parts, right?

The one thing I will say- Gates of Hell is INTENSE. 
There's a reason you sign a waiver.
Be mentally prepared to be physically uncomfortable and disturbed.

A big thank you to Freakling Brothers for hosting our event! As usual, all opinions are my own. 

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