Monday, August 6, 2018

My Favorite Sleep Products

Some of these item were gifted for review purposes; however, all opinions are my own! This post does contain affiliate links so if you make a purchase through the link, I may make a small commission. Even so, all opinions are still my own honest opinions!

Moving is weird. I hadn’t moved in about 15 years so it’s definitely been a struggle. Getting used to a completely new environment is strange and if I’m not motivated to actually fall asleep, I will lie in bed and stress. I invested in a few products to help me relax before bed- I don’t like wasting valuable sleep time! Here are the top things that help me sleep at night-

My new Voila Box mattress. The old one was so soft and foamy so I would sink into it and it didn’t feel great. Roger also had issues with it since his paws would sink in so I would have to carry him to his spot and back. He couldn’t move on it very well and would sometimes trip which was so sad. Our new mattress is super firm and not too thick so it’s easy to get in and out of (especially for me since my feet touch the ground when I swing my legs out). The saddest part is that the old one was over $2k when we got it and it’s so uncomfortable!

This Free People Starry Eyed Sleeping Mask. The cooling gel insert is amazing- especially in the summer heat! My bedroom only has one vent so it gets pretty warm which makes it hard for me to really feel like going to sleep. This mask blocks out all light and feels nice and chilly.

Everyone raves about This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray but I really love it. I got a sample a while back and ended up getting the full size right before the move. The smell is so therapeutic and relaxing.

This Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask. My lips crack and bleed a lot when the seasons change and this mask helped keep a lot of that at bay! It smells nice too and it’s not sticky or super greasy.

Another product I heard so much about- Lush Sleepy Cream. For some reason, it smells like gingerbread cookies to me and I don’t know why! I love the smell and it makes me happy which relaxes me so that’s good, right??

My skin gets really stressed lately so I've been loving my Pistache Skincare Lavender Divine Oil. It's great before bed and a few drops in the tub helps too!

Last- sometimes if I’m just really feeling off, I’ll have Alexa play me ocean sounds!

What helps you fall asleep at night?

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