Sunday, September 27, 2015

Coffee Farms, Ubud Art Market, & I Suck at Haggling

Before we visited the coffee farm, I'd honestly never heard of Luwak Coffee.

Am I just totally out of touch?

Our driver took us to one of the coffee farms in Ubud on a whim and we had a look around the farm at where the tea plants were grown and the process of making the coffee. I actually even saw a few Luwaks just kind of chilling and napping and they reminded me a lot of ferets.

We were given a coffee tasting at the end of the tour and I have to say, a lot of the coffees and teas were some of the best drinks I've ever tasted without any additives. I didn't actually try the Luwak Coffee because it just doesn't appeal to me. I did; however, get a bag of coconut coffee (I'm not a coffee drinker and I managed to consume this whole bag in two days) because it was just too delicious to pass up.

Have any of you ever actually tried the Luwak Coffee? What does it taste like?

We also made a stop at the Ubud Art Market.

Sadly enough, I did not buy any art.

This market had some pretty awesome thing and I did almost all of souvenir shopping here. My boyfriend is moving into a new apartment soon so I grabbed some really cool household pieces and a few fun articles of clothing for myself.

On that note, I love markets. Love love love them. I hate haggling. I'm just not really any good at it. In fact, I made two really awesome deals this whole trip and both were complete accidents. And I actually felt really bad about them like I had completely swindled these merchants out of money but hey, they were the ones who bargained that low! Actually, one conversation went something like this-

I was just leaving the Sacred Monkey Forest and noticed a gift shop close to where our driver had parked. I walked in and found some really awesome monkey carvings.

"How much?" I asked the merchant.
"100,000," She responded.
"Okay, thank you," I said, ready to exit the store since I only had 50,000 on me.
"How about 75,000?" she countered.
"I'm sorry, I only have 50,000 with me," I told her, apologetically.
"Okay," She finished, wrapping up the monkey and taking my cash.

I literally got that carving for half of the store price. And when I found similar carvings in other gift shops, they were close to three times what I had paid.

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1 comment:

  1. I loved your photos and it made me miss Bali so much! I was there in July and it was one of the most amazing places I've ever been to! Have you been to Gili islands too?


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