Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Rice Terraces in Tegalalang

One of the other places that was on my Must See list were the rice terraces in Tegalalang.

I'd seen them on Pinterest (Oh, Pinterest) and after seeing other tourist photos, made a note to stop by while in Ubud. It was relatively close to where we had eaten lunch too so it was an easy enough stop.

The only issue was that since it was a Full Moon Day, there was a back-up in traffic and our driver felt horrible that he could not drive us right up to the stairs. What a sweetheart. He parked as close as possible which was only about a 30 second walk from the entrance. Not an issue at all! We needed to stretch our legs!

The terraces were absolutely insanely beautiful. 

While I didn't have the energy (or the lung capacity) to make the trek all the way across the terraces and then down and up and down again the hundreds of stairs; I still got treated to some amazing views. Really really stunning views.

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