Friday, October 7, 2016

Cleo Las Vegas

Happy Friday!

It's so weird to have Friday actually be Friday. I just wrapped up my second week at my new job and I have to say, I really love it. It's so different from all of my other jobs, the company is wonderful, and there is actual room for professional growth. No more working inside a box. It's also nice to work in such a dynamic office with so many different demographic groups. It's sad to say that after several years at a job that was less than fair, I finally feel like I'm treated as an equal and not less because of my ethnicity, age, or background. 

Anyway, enough of the serious stuff! I've previously expressed my love for the food at SLS Las Vegas, and today I'm continuing that with my visit to Cleo. I'd been here once before for my own birthday and took Corey here several months ago when he had his birthday discount. Since we both really love Mediterranean food and we happened to be in the area, it was a great choice!






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