Saturday, October 8, 2016

Stay-In Saturdays with Pie on Sunday

Happy weekend!

So I've honestly been a bit lax in the kitchen lately. I am still adjusting to my new job and schedule. With Corey's school schedule changing this quarter, we just haven't found a lot of time to cook or bake or really make anything other than pasta. 

Rather than suspend my Saturday posts, I decided to introduce you all to my good friend, Becca's, super awesome blog- Pie on Sunday. Becca makes some of the most amazing baked goods and I live vicariously through her delicious kitchen adventures. 

One of my favorite posts she made recently was this Boeuf Bourguignon Pot Pie. She's always got great photos (that look really yummy), fun stories, and the original recipe links (although I'm sure my attempts would never look or taste as good as hers). 

Hope you enjoy following her posts as much as I do!
(I stole this photo from her blog. I told you they look yummy!)

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