Jetsettin Daisy: Cost Plus World Market- Exotic road trip snacks...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Cost Plus World Market- Exotic road trip snacks...

I'm a big fan of the usual movie theatre candy/road trip snack variety. Usually. But lately I've been feeling kind of ho hum about them. So I've stopped making my usual trips to Target before road trips for snacks and instead, I've been hitting Cost Plus. I've gotten some amazing French potato chips, fun flavored sodas, international candies, and biscuits for tea. I'm obsessed with Chuao dark chocolate honeycomb bars. I've taken to drinking Perrier or Pellegrino instead of Coke when I drive (plus it makes the chocolate taste so much fancier lol). For an up coming mountain retreat, I even stocked up on Malteser cocoa mix instead of the usual variety. I'm so excited to try it! I found some of those German waffle cookies that are supposed to be delicious with cocoa too so hurray! And for my energy fix, I'm skipping Starbucks and trying out a Matcha tea latte (sounds healthier if anything else). I ended up spending about what I would have spent on Cokes and Swedish fish too! Fun snacks have made the drives a lot more interesting and fun!

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